Is Depression affecting you?
Do you feel sad, empty, or hopeless most of the day and can not really put your finger on a reason why? Do you find yourself teary or weepy for no apparent reason? Maybe you have difficulty finding a good reason to get out of bed in the morning. Perhaps you have a good reason, but struggle with summoning the motivation to drag yourself out of bed because you feel so exhausted. Sometimes these feelings are because you're overworked or have poor self-care, but other times they may be signaling depression.
Depression can steal our joy and can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. You start to believe that your life will always be the way it is now and you can not think of anything you could possibly do that change it. You may even start to believe that your family or friends would be better off if you were not in their lives. You begin to feel disconnected from people you once felt close with and become isolated.
This is a desperately lonely place! If you have been feeling this way, I want to offer you hope. Your life can change! Working together, you can go from feeling hopeless and alone in the world, to experiencing connection with others and excitement for the future!
I LOVE helping people who are struggling with feeling hopeless and helpless. If you are ready to make a change, contact me for your free 15 minute phone consultation at 210.789.9166 or email me.