How to Find a Christian Counselor in San Antonio, Texas


San Antonio, Texas is a great place to live!  If you already live here then you already know this.  We have a small town feeling community with all the benefits of a large city.  Having lived all over the country, I can tell you some of the nicest people I have ever met are in San Antonio!

Finding a Christian counselor in San Antonio, Texas seems more daunting than it should be.  With so many large Christian churches around the city, it would make sense that there would be a need for a licensed professional counselor who would be able to counsel from a Christian perspective. 

Sometimes Christians have a hard time coming to terms with having "problems" and asking for help.  They may have heard that they just need to pray more, or lack faith.  These same people would have no trouble seeking help from a professional if they needed glasses or had a broken bone but if it comes to relational issues or feeling overwhelmed, seeking professional help isn't as acceptable.

For these reasons, many Christians either don't seek help or quickly become overwhelmed when trying to find a counselor who will have a similar Christian worldview.  How do you know if someone is really a Christian counselor and not just a counselor who says they're a Christian?  How do you know if they really understand what you're feeling and experiencing?

Here is a list of questions to ask a potential Christian counselor:

  1. What does it mean to you when you say you're a Christian counselor?

  2. What kind of training has prepared you to offer Christian counseling?

  3. Do you use empirically proven theories and methods or only use the Bible?

  4. Do you incorporate biblical principles in the counseling process?

  5. Do you think you can help me and why?

  6. Have you ever worked with a client like me?

In a ideal world, you would quickly and easily find a counselor who has specific training and expertise in the best and latest theories and who is a mature Christian specifically trained to incorporate a Christian worldview and professional counseling theories.  Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world.  So, in addition to these question you are going to be looking for someone who you feel comfortable with, you like and believe you can trust, and someone you feel comfortable enough having an authentic conversation with.

I hope this helps you!